BnY Lab. Apps

Bluetooth & WiFi Analyzer 1.3
BnY Lab.
Bluetooth & Wifi Analyzer is a very useful tool for testing BTand Wifi. This app is for general users and even developers. It letusers and developers do standalone test of each bluetooth and wifi,and also coexistence test like examining both concurrently.[Update] Ver 1.3: Improve Wifi function and fix bugs for iperf Ver1.2: Fix some activities for lower Android 6.0 Ver 1.1: Minor UIfixes [Bluetooth] - Supports very detailed Bluetooth BR/EDR(Classicdevice) information of your host/controller device. - Supports verydetailed connection information of all supported profiles. -Supports BR/EDR scan. - Supports very detailed Bluetooth LEinformation of host/controller configurations. - Supports BLE Scan1) Setting ble scan filter and ble scan settings. 2) BLE scanningto get ble advertisement(beacon) based on your filter and scansettings. - Supports BLE Advertise 1) Setting advertise data andadvertise settings. 2) Advertising beacons for BLE scanner based onyour configuration. - Supports using both scan and advertise *Basically, most of BT controller doesn't support peripheral mode.It means that some devices cannot run scan and advertise in thesame time. * If your device supports peripheral mode, you canconcurrently use both in this application. [WiFi] - Supports WiFiscan with 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Note that you need to allow locationpermission for WiFi scan on android 6+ - Supports very detailedinformation of WiFi adapter. - Supports very detailed informationof connected network. - Supports frequency, bandwidth, signalstrength, dhcp info and so on. - Supports WiFi speed test withiperf tool. Note that the iperf is for local network speed testrather than internet speed. - Supports WiFi enhanced energyreporting feature. Note that this feature supported on android 5+and WiFi chip-set should support it. [Bluetooth & WiFiCoexistence] - Under construction! Note that this function will besupported at future update. - We will make tests for coexistence ofBluetooth and WiFi. 1) Sending and receiving WiFi packets andBluetooth ACL data. 2) Sending and receiving WiFi packets andBluetooth SCO data. 3) Using simultaneously Bluetooth LE scan,advertise(beacons), Bluetooth ACL/SCO, and WiFi 2.4GHz. - A varietyof environments for combining BT and WiFi.